GetWhy is the proud sponsor of The Quirk’s Event 2024.
One of the most recognized market research publications and directories, Quirk’s Media, have organized inspiring events across Europe and USA for almost 10 years. This year is no different, and we are proud to sponsor and join all of Quirk’s events this year, in Dallas, Chicago, London and New York City.
We are looking forward to hearing Dallas Mavericks CEO Cynt Marshall discuss her career highlights and the importance of listening.
We also can't wait to hear the talk by our good friend at Visa, Michael Nevski, on how to build brand trust with consumers in an uncertain world.
Our very own Alexander Christensen will be on stage in Room 1 at 10am on Wed. Feb 28 to explain 'How to Deploy AI in Qual Consumer Insights'.
We’re looking forward to meeting up with the community of consumer and market insights researchers! During breaks, you can talk to our research specialists and get a sneak peek into GetWhy.
Come by booth #400 and see for yourself, why we call our insights the most powerful insights ever created, by commencing your own real-life study for free*
*Only business-to-consumer companies can take advantage of our free insights during The Quirks events. The study can only be done in one of the following four languages: English, German, Italian, Spanish. The study can only be conducted with English-speaking participants from the USA, UK, Canada & South Africa. German speaking participants from Germany, Italian speaking participants from Italy, Spanish speaking participants from Mexico.