
Explore how GetWhy helps leading organizations around to the world to understand and interact with consumers.

Who we help

We elevate teams to focus on strengthening the business with video-captured real human insights in as little as 4 hours.


Insights professionals

Unravel, leverage and share the why behind consumer behavior. Bring consumer feedback right into every day decision-making.

Marketing professionals

Bridge the gap between your brand and the consumer. Experience fast and cost-efficient insights, for better campaigns and higher ROI.

What we’re used for

Experience a new way of working with Consumer Interviews allowing you to rapidly facilitate video-based interviews to get the answers to your most urgent business questions—without the risks, hassle, or need for implementation and subscriptions.

Understand your consumer's needs and preferences

Discover what your customer's core needs are and how they behave in order to capture demand.

Collaborate and iterate with your consumer

Reduce time to market and optimize early-stage ideas and hypotheses.

Marketing effectiveness. Boost your ROI with consumer-led feedback

Assess how your campaign material is received by your consumer's and where to optimize before launching.

Use cases

Discover key trends from our customers and explore how companies are leveraging the world’s fastest and most powerful qualitative insights to deliver immediate business value.

Ad-hoc use cases

Our customers are seeing an increase in requests for getting the answer fast to challenging questions with urgent impact.

TV & video commercial case

Enhancing marketing returns through consumer-led TV and Video commercials has become a game-changer for many of our top enterprise clients.

Ready to experience the world’s fastest and most powerful qualitative insights?

Let’s get this conversation started. Tell us a bit about yourself, and let us know how we can help you. We will connect you with the right expert and get back to you as soon as possible.