Next Generation AI

Experience the world’s fastest and most powerful qualitative insights

At GetWhy, we elevate insights teams to focus on strengthening the business with video-captured real human insights.

Get a first-hand look at the new reality of qualitative research at scale

We asked 80 Gen Z consumers across 8 different markets on what inspires them and drives their purchase behaviors both on a global and a local level. This is just a small sample and a glimpse into the insights gained. You can request access to unlock the full study with all 8 markets.
Explore a full study on our platform about what inspires Gen Z and drives their purchase behavior.
80 participants
8 markets

Delivered within 72 hours

Bringing 150+ of the world's leading companies closer to their consumer

Meet Bloom

The world’s first AI-powered Consumer Insights Specialist, capable of analyzing video-captured real consumer interviews and turning them into qualitative insights in minutes instead of days.

5 years in the making, built by our data science experts, researchers, anthropologists, and engineers to facilitate endless video-based interviews.

Bloom is trained on more than 250,000+ qualitative sessions and connected to more than 150+ million consumers worldwide.




More cost efficient

On par

With human craftsmanship


Interview based format

Spend your time on value creation instead of insight creation

Bloom delivers immediate business value by reducing the time spent on creating insights. 
With the same input, you’ll create more, better, and faster insights for your teams, 
so you can focus on socializing and sharing actionable insights to your organization.
Get started on your project

Based on your brief, GetWhy’s team of experts will create the study design, recruit consumers, and start unmoderated video-captured interviews.

Analyze & process

Bloom analyzes hours of video-captured interviews—finds, tags, and stores quotes and video snippets that enable a brick-and-build evidence model for insight creation.

Create insights

Bloom creates insights with video-snippet showreels and writes key takeaways to the business questions.

Share & socialize

Bloom finalizes and prepares everything in various formats, enabling you to easily socialize the insights in your organization. 

Start value creation

Share and socialize insights into your organization to build output with more value for your consumer.

Quality on par with human craftsmanship

Bloom is powered by our unbiased and structured proprietary Gen AI, developed over the past 5 years across +250.000 qualitative sessions, to deliver best-in-class insights through our video-based end-to-end solution.
GPT vs. Human vs. Bloom


Metric Readabiltiy


Industry-leading security practices

Our security complies with and exceeds widely accepted security standards. Our solutions are designed to assist you in meeting your compliance needs, and we have implemented stringent security measures at both the architectural and operational levels to ensure the safety of your data.

Latest from the blog

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Disrupting Consumer Research: GetWhy secures $34.5 million commitment from PeakSpan in major Series A funding



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