Why agile scalable qual is the answer to the limitations of social listening

For years now, both governments and businesses have wrestled with how to systematically incorporate the voice of their citizens, or customers, into important decision-making processes. Both the public and private sectors recognized long ago that when decisions include the people they affect, mutually beneficial outcomes are more likely to result. Whether it’s the design of […]

IIEX Hot Topic: AI Changing the Role of Consumer Insights

IIEX North America

I returned from Austin, Texas, with a bag of new connections and inspiring conversations. The IIEX North America, a two-day conference, focused on insight innovation, truly showcased an industry undergoing a full-blown transformation – or, as some said, a technological disruption. Trending: 96% AI and 87% Change I had a really insightful conversation with Niels […]

Revolutionizing qualitative research: Why at Scale with technology

AI in qualitative research

In the world of market research, the split between software providers and service vendors has for many years defined the landscape. On one side, software companies as well as internal build software have arrived to assist researchers in collecting and organizing data, qualitative as well as quantitative. Lately, these tools have also been integrating AI […]