IIEX Hot Topic: AI Changing the Role of Consumer Insights

IIEX North America

I returned from Austin, Texas, with a bag of new connections and inspiring conversations. The IIEX North America, a two-day conference, focused on insight innovation, truly showcased an industry undergoing a full-blown transformation – or, as some said, a technological disruption. Trending: 96% AI and 87% Change I had a really insightful conversation with Niels […]

IIEX Austin: Innovation, AI, and the Future of Consumer-Led Marketing

IIEX Austin

Experience the future first at the Insight Innovation Exchange (IIEX). For over a decade, IIEX events have showcased emerging best practices and technologies that enhance insights functions, businesses, and careers. With such a compelling promise, the upcoming week in Austin is not to be missed! I am thrilled to be attending my first IIEX conference […]

On the topic of trust and authenticity at QUAL360

I was fortunate enough to attend the QUAL360 conference last week in Berlin, where I had the opportunity not only to listen to many amazing keynote speeches both from researchers and insights leaders of global brands from around the world but also to compare our experiences in the qualitative research industry. At QUAL360, several main […]

The value of bringing the voice of the customer to the organization

Recap - Qual360

This year’s Qual360 conference in Berlin is in full swing and it’s been a great first day. While still digesting and reflecting on the full-day program, I wanted to share some thoughts on a topic that has surfaced multiple times in many conversations during the day but also in multiple speeches. At GetWhy, we call […]