Meet some of the world's most consumer-led companies

Learn how some of the globe’s foremost companies foster a culture of unwavering consumer-centricity through select customer cases that highlight challenges, solutions, results, and business impact.

Bringing 150+ of the world's leading companies closer to their consumers
Concept Validation Testing: Toyota Case

Revving Up Adoption: How Toyota Optimised Its Insurance Service

With direct feedback from its customers, Toyota identified and gained insights into the adoption barriers surrounding its latest customer retention initiative.

Painting the Full Picture: How Jotun Explored Online Customer Behaviour

By experiencing its website from the customer’s perspective, Jotun identified and improved most of the elements users clicked on when seeking inspiration.
Boost online sales

Beyond Analytics: How Bambo Nature Used Customer Insights to Boost Online Sales

By experiencing its website from the customer’s perspective, Bambo Nature quickly identified and resolved most of the issues that were hurting its online conversions.
Customer retention in banking

Customer empowered marketing: The strategy behind Sydbank ‘Favorit’

Customer retention in banking challenge solved: Thanks to customer insights, almost half of Sydbank’s customers went through ’Sydbank Favorit’ – and 90% of those agreed to be contacted by the bank.
Increase newsletter subscribers

Insights That Matter: How Alm. Brand Increased Newsletter Subscribers by 20%

With clear insights into its client’s interests and pain points, Alm. Brand revitalised its newsletter, boosting its signup rate through referrals by 20%.

Play to Win: How EPOS Validated Its Brand Strategy for Global Success

With insights from its audience, EPOS learnt how its consumers perceived the brand, as well as what was required to place it as a top-of-mind gaming brand in their minds.