Prototype user testing

About Circle K

Circle K is a global chain of convenience stores, known for its widespread accessibility and diverse offerings.

Fuelling Up on Feedback: Circle K’s Prototype User Testing of Its App

With insights from its audience, Circle K discovered how to improve its app prototype in hours by launching a Prototype user testing study and ensure success at release.


Circle K was planning a major revamp of its main app. With a new prototype ready to be launched, the company wanted to ensure it offered the best navigation experience and communication clarity, thus launched a prototype user testing study. Moreover, Circle K wanted to test the effectiveness of its new loyalty programme, and to confirm users would understand and utilise it at launch.


GetWhy tested Circle K’s prototype using the ‘Prototype User Testing’ study from its insights marketplace. To ensure the lowest level of bias on the new prototype, GetWhy evenly recruited participants between app users and non-users across different markets. GetWhy then interviewed the participants and aggregated their feedback into a set of actionable insights.


The test confirmed Circle K’s doubts about its new program: most customers liked the idea but found the overall message confusing. Additionally, the test showed that customers appreciated the updated features and sections, but suggested making the app more personalised to their needs and improving the readability of the icons.


Circle K got the customer validation it needed to cut decision time by up to 50%, streamline development efforts and roll out a new app with enhanced navigation and value to its customers.

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