The New Reality of Qualitative Research

Who won The Summer of Sports? 

The Summer of Sports 2024 - including the Olympics, Euro Football Championships, Copa America, Wimbledon, and more - has come to a close. But how did these major cultural events influence consumer behaviour and which brands stood out? Dive into the experiences of 100 consumers, evenly split by gender, across five key markets (US, UK, Germany, France, Italy).






Years old

Video-captured in-depth interviews across 5 markets (US, UK, Germany, France and Italy). Who and what inspired consumers during the 2024 ‘Summer of Sports’; which brands, collaborations, and sponsorships stood out?
Male & Female


72 hour


Explore key differences and surprising similarities across genders and nationalities

With AI-powered insights, we can now conduct multi-market, multi-segment studies in just 72 hours, maintaining high quality and providing a global perspective with a local touch. Discover some of the key findings here.

Were consumers’ purchasing behavior and preferences impacted by brand exposure during the Summer of Sports?

  • Consumers generally report low likelihood of engaging with or purchasing from brands due to event exposure. However, there are slight variations: some US men consider maintaining streaming subscriptions, while some Italian men continue favoring established sportswear brands.
  • A few Italian and German women showed interest in specific products like athletic shoes or swimming equipment. Overall, most consumers across segments state that their existing brand preferences and purchasing behaviors remain largely unaffected by the events.

Which new brands stood out to consumers of the Summer of Sports?

  • Across all segments, consumers reported minimal exposure to or interest in new brands during the summer sports events. This trend was consistent regardless of gender or country, with most consumers stating they were already familiar with the brands they encountered.
  • A few exceptions were noted, such as increased awareness of Oppo and Hisense in Italy, and Alipay in Germany. This suggests that the ‘Summer of Sports’ may not be an effective platform for introducing new brands, but rather for reinforcing existing brand awareness.

What were the most memorable sporting moments or individual athletes?

  • All consumers were drawn to exceptional individual performances and compelling personal stories. Athletes like Simone Biles, Novak Djokovic, and Léon Marchand were mentioned across multiple segments. UK and US segments highlighted a broader range of international athletes, while European segments tended to focus more on their national heroes.
  • Women’s segments across countries showed a particular interest in female athletes and their stories, emphasizing the growing importance of women’s sports.

Which brands, collaborations, and sponsorships stood out to consumers and why?

  • Consumers identified a few ‘winning’ brands from this ‘Summer of Sports,’ including Adidas for its widespread Euros sponsorship and Nike for its memorable ad, “Winning Isn’t for Everyone.” While Adidas and Nike were commonly mentioned, regional differences were evident: US consumers highlighted NBC’s Olympic coverage, while Europeans noted brands like Lidl, Carrefour, and LVMH.
  • Italian consumers found it hard to pick a clear winner, suggesting that local market presence and cultural relevance significantly influence brand perception during global sporting events.

Tell your own story

The findings of the study once again underline the importance of getting local perspectives on global initiatives as each market responds and reacts differently.

Do you want to learn more about the impact of the Summer of Sports on consumer behaviour? And how to turn those insights into your own powerful stories? Then get access to the full study right here. 

"My favorite moment in sports that was not related to a country or team I already supported was, I guess, just seeing the increasing emphasis on women's sports, which is really cool because it's great to see many more people following women's sports nowadays"

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