Increase newsletter subscribers

About Alm. Brand

With a strong emphasis on customer-centric solutions, Alm. Brand aims to secure the financial well-being of individuals and businesses.

Insights That Matter: How Alm. Brand Increased Newsletter Subscribers by 20%

With clear insights into its client’s interests and pain points, Alm. Brand revitalised its newsletter, boosting its signup rate through referrals by 20%.


When it comes to communicating with your customers, choosing what to say, how to say it, and when to say it is essential. This is especially true for insurance companies: after all, when your job is to ensure your customers’ most valuable possessions, you want to be sure they will read and understood your updates without the risk of finding them irrelevant.

But how can you make sure your content is read and understood by all?

For Alm. Brand, the answer laid in its newsletter. More in detail, the company wanted to understand what content was readworthy for its customers and use this knowledge to craft a compelling email series.


GetWhy tested Alm. Brand’s newsletter using the ‘Newsletter’ study from its insights marketplace. For this study, GetWhy interviewed 10 people from the company’s target group- half existing customers, and half not. This design gave insight into both biased and unbiased interactions and behaviour towards the newsletter, showing what content customers found really valuable.

Each interview was filmed and broken down into qualitative data, then analysed by a team of specialists and aggregated into a set of actionable, customer-backed insights.


Alm. Brand received all full videos, an executive summary, and a report with 3 key takeaways, suggestions for next steps, and 9 concrete optimization points addressing potential initiatives to better reach its target audience.


With actionable insights from its customers, the insurance company had all the tools to reforge its newsletter and make it more attractive to its target group. The results were immediate: upon implementing some of these insights, Alm Brand increased its newsletter subscribers through referrals by 20%.

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