No more second-guessing for you

Tired of throwing marketing concepts into the void and hoping they stick? Stop second-guessing and start understanding. GetWhy puts you directly in front of your audience, bridging the gap between your brand and their needs and desires. Fast and cost-efficient, for better campaigns and higher ROI.

Why use consumer insights in marketing?

A lot of people claim to know how to improve your company’s marketing efforts. But there is only one opinion that truly matters. The opinion of your target audience. With qualitative insights, you can unearth their core needs, validate concept ideas, and learn how to optimize campaign assets. B2C marketers that use consumer insights simply make smarter decisions and get better results.

Bringing 150+ of the world's leading companies closer to their consumers

We get you

We know that you are quality-driven, spending your days crafting concepts and campaigns that hit just right balancing commercial interests and creative quality. We know that marketing is a number’s game, but also it’s gut feelings, opinions, and crossed fingers.

We know that time is of the essence. That is why we provide qualitative consumer insights in hours. So that you can beat or validate opinions with the most powerful argument. Receiving actual consumer input and feedback within 24 hours is a game-changer for marketing. 

Revolutionizing the marketing game

GetWhy provides qualitative insights created from a video-based think-out-loud format in as little as 4 hours. It will work wonders for your marketing game.

How does it work?

When it comes to marketing development, there are two key factors at play. Deadlines and budgets. That is why we have developed technology that helps us provide you with real-life consumer insights at the highest speed and lowest cost. We won’t slow down your process or blow up your expense account. On the contrary, if used in pre-production stages, qualitative insights actually create significantly higher campaign ROI, as iterations are done long before tearing into media spend.

We’ve even made the process easy for you: Your input is a business question that needs answering—your output is an analysis of video-based interviews with your target audience, outlining key insights across all video interviews. All ready to be put into action.

They get it

More than 150 of the world’s leading companies foster a culture of unwavering consumer-centricity. They get it.

"If I had £100,000 I would personally invest in GetWhy!"
head of insight, consumer electronic industry
"You guys are the missing link in how we can get closer to today's volatile consumers."
Consumer insights director, Entertainment industry

How we empower you

Video-based interviews

Empathetic consumer insights that inspire and provoke.

Next steps

Real qualitative insights that drive action.

Fast iterations

Continuous, cost-efficient testing for better campaigns and concepts.

High returns

Consumer-led decisions that drive higher quality and results.

Ready to experience the world’s fastest and most powerful qualitative insights?

Let’s get this conversation started. Tell us a bit about yourself, and let us know how we can help you. We will connect you with the right expert and get back to you as soon as possible.